1. Make the Folder Invisible (not hidden)This works both on Windows XP and Vista, not sure about other Win versions. What this will do is make selected folder invisble, not hidden. The folder will be only visible when you try to highlight it (see below). If you want to make sure that no one discovers it by chance then also move it to the corner of the screen.
How to Create Invisible Folder ?
a. Create a new folder.
b. Rename: Highlight the folder and Click ‘F2′ button. Hold the ‘Alt’ key and type in 0160 (you won’t see those 0160 numbers while typing them). Press Enter. Note, you have to use the numpad to enter these numbers.
c. Change icon: Righ click the folder >> Properties >> Customize >> Change the icon >> Select the blank one >> Ok.
d. Done.
2. Hide Folders/Files in ImagesThis trick has been around for a while and there are plenty of tutorials out there. One of the better ones is the one created by Jimmy Ruska, check it out .
In case you can’t stream the video see step-by-step instructions below.
a. First compress the file using your favorite compression program.
b. Move the archive (some-archive.zip) and the image you want to use to for hiding the files (some-image.jpg) to the folder of your choice.
c. Open Windows command prompt: ‘ Start >> Run >> cmd ‘
d. Navigate to the folder from step 2. If you are not familiar with the command line commands, then use ‘cd ..’ to go one level upwards and ‘cd folder_name‘ to go one level down. This should be enough to get you to the right folder.
e. Once there, enter the following command:
COPY /B some-image.jpg + some-archive.zip new-image.jpg
Where the new-image.jpg is the name of the final image that will hold your files.
f. Confirm that everything went smoothly by opening newly created image file using your favorite archive program.
g. Done.
3.You can utilize the “Alternate Data Streams“( ADS ) of NTFS file system. ADS is the feature by which a single file can have multiple data streams under it. Only a stream aware application can iterate it. For other application, its just a file with single stream under it. Well, lets do some exercises. We’re going to hide the file Secret.avi under file Innocent.txt. Take dos console and execute the commands. I’m assuming that both files are present in your current directory.
Syntax: type <FileToHide> <DestinationFile>:<StreamName>
E.g: C:\>type Secret.avi > Innocent.txt:SecretStream.avi
Now the Secret.avi file is copied as another data stream under Innocent.txt file. Try opening the Innocent.txt. Its just the text file. huh? Well, now execute the following command to get the file back.
Syntax: more < <DestinationFile>:<StreamName> > <RestoreFileName>
E.g: C:\> more < Innocent.txt:SecretStream.avi > RestoredSecret.avi
You got the file back!
ADS is one for the favorite feature of virus writers. Trojans and viruses utilize ADS to get hidden from user eyes. Many of us might notice that, even if we delete away some files, after next restart they reappear. Yes! the real virus might be under some innocent file.
Have a look at Wiki too - http://www.wikistc.org/wiki/Alternate_data_streams